Our Team
The Doudrick Lab is composed of a wonderful group of graduate and undergraduate students and postdocs. They have a range of backgrounds and skillsets in environmental engineering, chemical engineering, and chemistry. Each member works independently on their research project, but we come together as a team and help each other professionally and personally. We are all working towards a common goal of solving environmental problems.
Kyle Doudrick, Ph.D., P.E.
Lab PI
Associate Professor
Prof. Doudrick received his B.S. and M.S. in Civil (Environmental) Engineering from the University of Memphis and his Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from Arizona State University. He has been at the University of Notre Dame since 2014. He lives in Indiana with his wife Sue Ellen, son Adrien, and daughter Vera.


Dr. Uddhav Markad
Postdoctoral Scholar (ECI Fellow)
Graduate Students

Angela Abarca-Perez
Ph.D. Candidate

Ph.D. Student
Ana Corcoran

Grace Curtis
Ph.D. Student
Jeein Kim

Ph.D. Candidate
Menglin (Mae) Jiang
Ph.D. Student

Ozioma Nwachukwu
Ph.D. Candidate

Aebin Sin
Ph.D. Student
Group Alumni

Junyeol Kim, Ph.D.
Research Toxicologist, The Honest Company

Randal Marks, Ph.D.
Sales & Applications Engineer · ECT2 (Emerging Compounds Treatment Technologies, Inc.)

Andrew Schranck, Ph.D.
Engineer III at Lochmueller Group

Nicholas Zak, M.S.
Engineering Intern at Commonwealth Engineers, Inc.

Liliya Chernysheva, Ph.D.
HDR Engineering